Kheprw educationEarly Growers Center

GROWING YOUTH LEADERSIndependence + Self Determination + Leadership

The Kheprw Early Growers Center seeks to provide an early childhood education program for a small group of 2‐5 year old children that meets the early childhood education standards. You can read more about Indiana early childhood standards here

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Sustainability Focused EducationThe Mission

Our aim is to meet the developmental needs of each child while fostering a strong sense of  independence, self-determination and a love for nature.  In partnership with parents and community, the Early Growers Center will employ a sustainably focused and holistic education approach that supports and even appreciates different kinds of personalities. The Kheprw Institute has a historic track record of informally and formally training leaders for more than two decades and we want to apply this experience to our youngest community members. Our program will focus on a few of Kheprw’s core objectives- mentorship and processes of people over outcomes

Support Our Work

We are still in the beginning stages of this endeavor and need your support to make this dream a reality for our children. If you have any quality educational items such as childrens tables, chairs, wall charts, kitchen sets etc we will gladly accept them. Reach out to to coordinate any donations.

Get Involved

We are actively looking to hire a lead teacher for our center. If you or anyone you know may be interested in this position you can find the job posting here

Job Description
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